This year, CAMPOBAG wants to make some changes and give some tries. We want you guys create your own selves. Creating is the basis of everything. Without creation, everything won’t happen. We will make great efforts to let the "creations" take place. Certainly, the following "creations" will be related with everything. We hope that the slogan "Bring Art Go" of CAMPOBAG can let everything happen naturally.
今年的CAMPOBAG要作一些改變也會作一些嘗試,我們要【創作你自己】,創作才是這一切最根本的源頭,沒有創作,這一切都不會發生,我們會努力讓「創作」發生,當然,接下來「創作」也會是所有事情的關連性,我們希望CAMPOBAG的slogan「Bring Art Go」,能讓一切自然發生。
CAMPOBAG established under the continue of CAMPO in 2008. What to continue is my persistence of CAMPO and the existence of the feelings. Although many creators don’t know that what CAMPO is or feel that CAMPO has been already disappeared, I have been feeling the beginning day of CAMPO. In the afternoon, 欣儀 and I with friends moved tables chairs together.
今年的CAMPOBAG要作一些改變也會作一些嘗試,我們要【創作你自己】,創作才是這一切最根本的源頭,沒有創作,這一切都不會發生,我們會努力讓「創作」發生,當然,接下來「創作」也會是所有事情的關連性,我們希望CAMPOBAG的slogan「Bring Art Go」,能讓一切自然發生。
CAMPOBAG established under the continue of CAMPO in 2008. What to continue is my persistence of CAMPO and the existence of the feelings. Although many creators don’t know that what CAMPO is or feel that CAMPO has been already disappeared, I have been feeling the beginning day of CAMPO. In the afternoon, 欣儀 and I with friends moved tables chairs together.
Thanks CAMPO for making me feel pursuing my own fine and thanks欣儀 for keeping insisting since 2005 till now. For the past several years, CAMPOBAG has kept continuing the good parts of markets, also finding that because we live with creating and use our viewpoints to look the world, we are truly willing to face the facts and realities.
Even if those times of pure happiness have left little after facing the realities, what makes me think of is that we should put our efforts to present the things we pursue and we shouldn’t be afraid that nobody will follow. Since we have already put our money into it, seeing that friends beside us doing at all costs to pursue themselves, we should keep working hard!
Even if those times of pure happiness have left little after facing the realities, what makes me think of is that we should put our efforts to present the things we pursue and we shouldn’t be afraid that nobody will follow. Since we have already put our money into it, seeing that friends beside us doing at all costs to pursue themselves, we should keep working hard!
This year, CAMPOBAG wants to make some changes and give some tries. We want you guys create your own selves. Creating is the basis of everything. Without creation, everything won’t happen. We will make great efforts to let the "creations" take place. Certainly, the following "creations" will be related with everything. We hope that the slogan "Bring Art Go" of CAMPOBAG can let everything happen naturally.
- 完成自我創作Bring Your Attitude
- Complete the self creations-Bring Your Attitude
- 不限形式的創作Art Yourself
- The unlimited form of creations-Art Yourself of
- 和更多人分享你自己Go Action
- Share your self with more people-Go Action

這次去英國,我們跑遍了所有的市集,不管是最具人氣指標的東倫敦Spitalfield、Sunday up、Backyard market,南倫敦Borough market,西倫敦Portobello market,北倫敦Camden market,算是一次市集大體驗,不過跟自己想像中的有些差距,因為每個市集裡面都有像是賣給觀光客的紀念商品,然後也都有賣吃的,甚至出現也有批貨商品在其中,但人潮真的絡繹不絕;許多的觀光客與英國當地人都會趁著假日出來走走與朋友相聚吃吃喝喝,然後逛逛市集,不一定都是創意商品,絕大部份是民生用品居多,但人潮真的絡繹不絕;大部分市集的商品是重複的;但也有賣創作商品的攤位,除了東倫敦的市集會有創作商品之外,南倫敦是偏向美食市集,西倫敦是古董市集,而北倫敦則偏向龐克風格。一直自以為地認為英國是創意市集的發源地,覺得看到的市集應該要有風格與特色,每攤都該是自己的創作品才是,但其實不然;但我想問的是,為什麼這樣?人潮真的絡繹不絕?應該這樣嗎?這個問題,我希望大家也可以來想一想,創意市集到底應該是什麼樣子?
這次去英國,我們跑遍了所有的市集,不管是最具人氣指標的東倫敦Spitalfield、Sunday up、Backyard market,南倫敦Borough market,西倫敦Portobello market,北倫敦Camden market,算是一次市集大體驗,不過跟自己想像中的有些差距,因為每個市集裡面都有像是賣給觀光客的紀念商品,然後也都有賣吃的,甚至出現也有批貨商品在其中,但人潮真的絡繹不絕;許多的觀光客與英國當地人都會趁著假日出來走走與朋友相聚吃吃喝喝,然後逛逛市集,不一定都是創意商品,絕大部份是民生用品居多,但人潮真的絡繹不絕;大部分市集的商品是重複的;但也有賣創作商品的攤位,除了東倫敦的市集會有創作商品之外,南倫敦是偏向美食市集,西倫敦是古董市集,而北倫敦則偏向龐克風格。一直自以為地認為英國是創意市集的發源地,覺得看到的市集應該要有風格與特色,每攤都該是自己的創作品才是,但其實不然;但我想問的是,為什麼這樣?人潮真的絡繹不絕?應該這樣嗎?這個問題,我希望大家也可以來想一想,創意市集到底應該是什麼樣子?
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非常漂亮用楓葉的創作,上面有一個一個的小人物@Sunday up market |
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