上個週末真的很累,連續五六日的夜晚都很激情,首先是Culture Unity的藝術家聚會,地點在大老遠的內湖,而且當天天候還很不好,下大雨,最重要的是它遠在那farfarfarfarfarfarfarfarfarfaraway的不知名地點,計程車司機硬是繞了好幾圈才到,我們差點就要失去動力了,不過到了現場之後,還是覺得很棒,因為美味的食物與現場的精彩來賓分享總是引誘我星期五下班直衝的動力呀!!!總之是個耳酣酒熱的場子呀,今天來分享的嘉賓是MARK,公仔設計師,在這行的朋友們對他絕對是無人不知無人不曉呀!!!而且他與日本豆腐人共同設計開發了在地的臭豆腐人實在是國際設計在地化的最佳模範呀。大家有機會上去看看他們的網站囉。
Phalanx studio http://www.phalanxcreative.com/
After PP13
I was very tired last week. It was very wild last Friday,Saturday and Sunday nights. At the beginning,it was an artist party called Culture Unity. The store is in faraway Neihu. The weather was very bad. And the place was farfarfarfarfarfarfarfarfaraway unknown. We almost could't go there and the taxi always went the wrong way. But when we got there, I still felt great.
Because the food was very delicious,the guest speaker at the party,is a great guy. Anyway, it was a very hot party. The lecturer called MARK,he is a toy designer. Everybody must know this guy. DevilRobots designed the SMERY and cooperate with Phalanx studio. MARK is the boss of Phalanx studio. It's very cool! Because you can see the international designs at a local company. I suggest everyone should go to their website.
接下來的重頭戲,當然就是PP了,話說這個從第一屆開始一直到上週我參加的第13場,連續13次,這次我終於參加到了,實在是覺得高興又榮幸,因為每次看到報名PP的慘況,實在很可怕,10分鐘之內就可以把120名的席次搶完,稍微一不留神你就無法參加了,所以我始終處於一個隨緣的心態,沒想到,這次因為哥們@miniroom549的推薦,讓我有幸參與這次的PP,但薑是老的辣,每個PP講員每個人都很高潮,我怎麼會跟這些人一起簡報,簡直就是找死!!!即使我出道的早,也比不過大家的資歷,重點是要把一生的經歷全部濃縮在七分鐘之內,實在是需要一輩子來磨練呀,你說說,我怎麼比得過,人妻阿潼 ,facebook小遊戲開發者的Tempo。
中國時報 "我的小革命" 系列專欄責任主編:何榮幸(turtle),他講的真的有夠好,這本小革命一定要去買呀,裡面有很多小人物的血淚史,我聽到榮幸講了一句話我覺得很棒,他說,大媒體都已經給那些政治、有錢的人很多版面,我們應該給這些默默付出的人一些報導(印象中這麼說的),總之就是大家快去買一本來看!!!非常GJ!!!
當然還有與我並肩作戰的@jesicalin,2535的特約編輯,兩個人可以一起緊張,我覺得最符合主題的就是GJ大老,台灣幹的好新聞社GJ神探豬小草@swpave,大家一定要加他twitter,一言一行、一舉一動都在在地笑翻了現場所有的人,而且他的言論真是講到心坎裡呀,真的符合主題GOOD JOB!!!最後則是大講hypo@yohochang育豪,新一代年輕創業家,為了解決印刷書的煩惱就自己開公司來作,真的是GJ到翻掉呀,而且hypo真的很精美,下次也要來作一本!!!你說說,PP13是不是相當地精彩,而且現場氣氛非常地好,不過短短兩個小時,卻充滿飽飽的能量,人們果然是需要實體接觸的打氣呀,超級開心在PP跟許多網友見面,也謝謝主辦人@thecarol的邀請,我以後每一次都要來參加呀!!!
The next show called PP was very important. This event has been held 13 times,bot not once did I join. This time I finally joined it. I feel very happy and honest. Because of the party’s announcement or you will be late if you want to join PP’s party you have to sign up with in ten miuntes. So I feel it’s ok if I miss the sign up.
This time my buddy @miniroom549 sold me on going to the party. But the older the wiser,every speaker was very wild. How can I speak with them. I dug myself grave. Even though I worked on this for a long time,how can I explain my life in seven miuntes. I need to use my wholelife to practice. How can I compete with these guys like 人妻阿潼 ,the facebook games development,called Tempo and ''my little protest'' this book chief,called Turtle.He had a wonderful speak. He said the mass communications always report on the politicians and rich people. So they should report on the people that do good for society. Anyway hope everyone goes to buy this book called ''my little protset''. They do a very good job.
I have a parter @jesicalin, 2535 magzines editor at large,we are so nervous. And one person I felt he is the most suitable for the topic,called @swpave.Everyone should add his twitter account. Many people felt wild laughter because of his behavior. He was really suitable to the topic. This event is very cool. A big thank to all the people.
PP http://blog.punchparty.org/
1 則留言:
Instead of part-time editor, I think a better term for @jesicalin's position should be "editor at large".