Alice Wang 王艾莉
王艾莉畢業於皇家藝術學院互動設計碩士 (Royal College of Art, MA Design Interactions)。有著聖馬丁藝術學院產品設計背景的他,作品曾受邀參與國際設計界三大展覽之一的米蘭傢俱展,中國改造歷史,北京今日美術館,以色列霍龍設計博物館,上海美術館等展覽,倫敦設計師週 Designers Block 等展覽。2008年更榮獲英國 Conran Foundation Award (英國康藍集團),獲選為當年皇家藝術學院最優秀畢業生之一。王艾莉目前是王艾莉設計的負責人,也是新設計雜誌- The Binder 雜誌的創辦人。
王艾莉的作品從“聽起來打字打很快的鍵盤”、“可以欺騙自己的磅秤”、“量自己家草皮有多綠的草皮掃瞄器”,全都敘述人的矛盾的心理和古怪的行為。 王艾莉喜歡利用設計來探究各種社會現象;喜歡透過觀察來研究被社會埋沒或遺忘的議題;喜歡藉由濃厚的黑色幽默,嘲笑著現代人的自我諷刺。
Alice Wang graduated from the Royal College of Art, MA Design Interactions. With a background in BA Product Design from Central St. Martins, her work has been invited to participate in majour international art and design events such as the Milan Furniture Fair – Salone Satellite, Beijing’s Reshaping History, Today Art Museum, Design Museum Holon in Israel, Shanghai Art Museum, London Design Week and many more. She was also awarded the Conran Foundation Award in the year 2008, personally selected by Terrance Conran and Sebastian Conran as one of the most outstanding graduate of the year. Alice is now the director Alice Wang Design in Taipei, Taiwan.
Alice Wang’s work ranges from the Fast Typing Keyboard to White Lies weighing scales to Grass Scanners that tell you how green your front garden is, all illustrating the ironic and absurd habits and behaviours that lay deep among all of us. Alice uses design as a language to explore social issues; to observe and remind us about humans’ complex emotions; uses parody and irony to make people laugh and self-reflect.
又該如何將自己的 ideas 帶進展場或架上?
我們將透過 workshop 的方式一起來試試看.